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Decimal to Percentage Calculator

Welcome to our decimal to percentage converter page! Here you can easily convert decimal values to percentages or vice versa.


  • Decimal to Percentage: To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal value by 100. For example, 0.25 (decimal) x 100 = 25 (percentage)
  • Percentage to Decimal: To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage value by 100. For example, 25 (percentage) / 100 = 0.25 (decimal)

It is important to note that when converting from decimal to percentage, the resulting value will include the percentage symbol (%), while when converting from percentage to decimal, the resulting value will not include the percentage symbol.

Use Cases

  • Education: Students and teachers often use this type of calculator to help with math assignments and classwork. For example, students may need to convert a decimal to a percentage to solve a problem or understand a concept.
  • Business and Finance: Professionals in the business and financial world use this calculator to convert decimal values to percentages when working with financial data and statistics.
  • Science and Research: Researchers in fields such as medicine and engineering may use this calculator to convert decimal values to percentages when analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
  • Personal Use: Individuals can use this calculator for personal purposes such as budgeting, saving, or investing.
  • Retail and E-commerce: Retailers and e-commerce businesses use this calculator to convert decimal numbers to percentages when offering discounts or promotions on their products.
  • Cooking and Food Industry: This calculator can be used to convert decimal measurements to percentages for use in recipes.
  • Sports: Sports analysts use this calculator to convert statistics in decimal form to percentages to facilitate comparison and understanding.
  • Surveys and Polls: Researchers and analysts use this calculator to convert survey and poll results from decimal form to percentages to facilitate the understanding and presentation of the data.

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