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Convert Time Units

Welcome to our time unit converter! This tool allows you to easily convert between different time units, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, and more.

Convert from:
Convert to:
The result will be displayed here.


  • To convert seconds to minutes: minutes = seconds / 60
  • To convert minutes to hours: hours = minutes / 60
  • To convert hours to days: days = hours / 24
  • To convert days to weeks: weeks = days / 7
  • To convert weeks to months: months = weeks / 4.348214
  • To convert months to years: years = months / 12
  • To convert years to decades: decades = years / 10
  • To convert decades to centuries: centuries = decades / 10
  • To convert centuries to millennia: millennia = centuries / 10

Special Cases

Note that the conversion factor from months to years is approximate and may not be entirely accurate due to variations in the length of months and the number of days in a year.

Similarly, the conversion factor from weeks to months is also approximate, as it depends on the number of weeks in a month.

The conversion factor from decades to centuries is based on the assumption that a century has 100 years.

If you work with longer time periods, it is important to consider possible variations in the duration of time units and use the most accurate conversion factors available.


  • To convert 1 hour to minutes: 1 hour * 60 minutes/hour = 60 minutes
  • To convert 5 days to hours: 5 days * 24 hours/day = 120 hours
  • To convert 12 months to years: 12 months / 12 months/year = 1 year
  • To convert 100 years to decades: 100 years / 10 years/decade = 10 decades

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